Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Girl(s) Next Door

Last night my son and I were preparing for a little journey when a knock came at the door, the girls next door. They wanted to talk to my son. He just stood there, and looking back and forth I had a feeling for what was transpiring. My son is nine years old, and in fourth grade. The girls were ten and nine, one was in fourth grade, one was in fifth grade. I was observing the awkward transformation that occurs when boys and girls begin to notice, and, in some small mysterious way, become attracted to each other. The ten year old was attempting to broker the connection between the two nines. She seems mischievous in that way. I do not think either one of the nine year olds really knows why. My son said as much later. He is very shy about this right now and acts VERY strange when confronted with these feelings and emotions. Strange like he will jump into a bush, climb a pole or tree, or just run and hide. He likes the feeling that someone likes him, he just does not quite know what to do with it yet. Thank the universe for small favors like that. Hopefully his innocence lasts a bit longer.

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