Friday, September 28, 2007

My son got caught....

Doing good!!!  Four times this week in fact.  He is also leading the school in Accelerated Reader points.  Nice to have things going well for a change.  :-)  His attitude and behavior has dramatically improved and he is doing so much better at pulling out of his anger/tantrum episodes. 

We started Soccer this week.  It has been fun to watch him run around the field.  He tries really hard to do tricks and things, always looking for oddball ways to get around obstacles.  :-)

Annual sand sculpting contest is this weekend!  Pictures will be coming soon.  They have artists come from all over to compete.  What they can do with sand is simply astounding.

Have a great weekend!

"Until you forget what you think you know and what you think is possible, you will never know what is truly attainable."


  1. Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing the sand castle pictures. Fall is here up in the Great White North so sand castle season is over (boo).

    And congrats to the boy for being such a star this week. It must be the great example his Dad sets ;)

  2. Hope this coming week is as full of good news and good attitudes as this past one appears to have been!

  3. Sounds like things are going well. I miss reading your stuff and talking to you. I may call you sometime soon just to catch up!


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