Sunday, March 25, 2007


I wish desperately for things I know will not come true. A friend has a cat with cancer. I wish desperately that the cancer will just go away, but I know it will not.

I was also just told that a friend just had her baby two months early. The baby 2.5 lbs, is breathing on her own, and has teratoma. If only we could wish bad things away. Please pray for her and her family.

There are many other things I wish for that I know will not come true. Is it that way with everyone?



  1. It's always good to see if our own personality type comes up in these books, too, for self-examination. I find Go Away, Come Closer (book) hits the nail on the head. Most have some intimacy issues.

  2. Thank you for the tip! I will check it out. Like the Emotional Unavailability book says, I certainly look at most situations as though I am the problem, and I am always looking for some way to improve. Intimacy is definitely a difficult thing to manage, master, and share.


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