I love this photo. I took it at Cape Charles a little over a year ago. The sun sets everyday, and the sun often sets on phases of our lives. Sometimes, if you are like me, you desperately do not want the sun to set. You wish it and you pray it with all you have, but the Universe does not run on whims of mere mortals. There are a few people that the sun has set on I would give anything to have back. They are my mom, my mother-in-law (If you knew her, you know), my Grandfather and Grandmother, and my great grandmother. There is this idea of a person I want desperately back too. When the sun rises tomorrow, all I will have are the memories of these people. That has to be enough for now. For those suffering with loss right now, you are not alone. My thoughts are with you, even as I contemplate my own. I wouldn't wish suffering on anyone and I pray that yours is short.
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