Tuesday, July 08, 2008


A neighbor told me a story yesterday that still has me laughing.  Nothing like finding ways to terrorize your younger siblings.  Being the oldest of four, I can totally relate.  This fifteen year girl is the oldest of five, with two other very small step siblings, and is a bit frustrated at being at her dad's without a lot to do. 

Here is how she copes.  She has been writing messages on the shower walls with her hair.  She has been telling her siblings that there are ghosts in the house writing the messages.  Brilliant. 

Honestly, the younger ones should know better by now.  Such is innocence though.  Honestly, I miss having the kind of excitement and energy that goes along with having a bunch of kids in the house.  It is probably why I like going out in groups so much because a good group of close friends is like that.  I'm such a bad father though...I would be egging her on, and plotting with the younger ones on how to get her back.  I'm not above playing on both sides of the field.

Have a great day....play a practical joke on someone that least expects it!

"Until you forget what you think you know and what you think is possible, you will never know what is truly attainable."


  1. I may consider doing this to get my 2 to leave me alone to have a bath in peace!

  2. Laura,
    Careful, you may scare your 2 out of baths entirely. :-)

  3. Will we be reading in the future that they ganged up on you?

  4. Single Mommy,
    Sadly no. I'm pretty sure that is a chapter of my life that is closed now. I doubt there will ever be any more tales from that group. There is just too much confusion surrounding it all.


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