Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brighter side of the meeting....

Everyone at the school agrees that Brandon is a great child. He is warm, personable, caring, and truly desires to do well. At the end of the meeting we were all talking about the great things Brandon does.

He is full of energy and life. He is all overflowing with wise counsel. He has been in therapy for a long time. He knows it all. Various coping methods, ways to vent that are acceptable, you name it. He often talks to other children that have gotten in trouble or are sad and shares skills he has learned. :-) In the lunch bunch groups (groups for kids dealing with various issues) Brandon is the leader. He knows how you are supposed to deal with just about everything. He teaches all of the teachers and staff things every day. They love him. I guess we all know that it is easier to tell someone how to do something than it is to really do it. Unfortunately, Brandon knows exactly what to do, he just cannot do it. When it comes right down to it, if we are really honest with ourselves, it is hard to do the right thing sometimes, especially when we are hurt or overwhelmed. I always wanted a different childhood for him, and now it is almost gone.

1 comment:

  1. Wanting a different childhood for your child is quite understandable. Helping him (and you) to deal with the one he's got, is harder. But well worth the fight. You COULD give up, but what would he think of himself then? The confidence you'll instill in him by your belief in him will stick with him all this life.


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